Tax law is a complicated affair that changes with each season. Through rigorous professional training and continuing professional education, I stay educated of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new tax regulations. This discipline enables me to offer a full range of tax planning, preparation, and support services.

Tax Preparation

Are you anxious about filing your on tax returns? Even a simple return may require multiple forms. The instructions often evoke more questions than answers. While a computer software program may help, there’s no substitute for the quality of service and advice you’ll receive from an experienced tax professional.

Here are a few of the benefits you’ll reap when using my service:

  • I’ll prepare all of the appropriate federal and state tax forms.

  • I’ll review all of the deductions and credits which may be available to you.

  • I’ll file your return electronically to speed delivery of refunds.

  • I’ll work with you to adjust your payroll withholdings to make sure you send the right amount to each tax authority – no more, no less.

  • I’ll show you how to adjust your finances to take advantage of tax benefits on future returns when available.

Are you a sole proprietor? Have you been so focused on your business that you haven’t paid close attention to your books? No worries! I'll tidy things up and prepare your Schedule C as part of your personal income tax return. Then I'll help you set up an easy system to keep your books current going forward.

Tax Planning

Proactive planning is the key to minimizing your tax liability. I work with businesses and individuals to pay the least amount of tax required by law. A few of the strategies that I consider include:

  • Shifting income or expenses from one year to another when it can yield a lower tax rate

  • Deferring or eliminating tax liability through use of tax-advantaged investment vehicles

  • Tracking all expenses eligible for itemized deduction

  • Taking advantage of tax credits

  • Advising you of the benefits of retirement plan contributions

Your unique circumstances will determine the strategies that I can employ to maximize the money you keep in your pocket.