Financial Tips

Online funding management systems have made it popular and convenient for entrepreneurs to ask for and collect startup funds from family and friends. Hundreds of now successful young businesses got their early boost from benevolent relatives and friends.

Posted March 19, 2025
Financial Tips

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home—it’s also a great opportunity to tidy up your financial records.

Posted March 2, 2025
Financial Tips

If your business has clients that are likely to want to pay with crypto, should you allow it? Since cryptocurrency first hit the currency market, it has caused excitement, disappointment and finally relegation. Even governments around the world are now adopting cryptocurrency as an official form of currency.

Posted October 25, 2024
Financial Tips

With financial scams on the rise, it’s imperative to be on guard against all forms of potential financial threats. Unfortunately, some of the most vulnerable people may be your loved ones, especially elderly parents. This segment of the population is less likely to be savvy about scams involving money and about ways to prevent being a victim.

Posted July 2, 2024
Financial Tips

Annuities aren’t such a modern concept as you might think. Although many people are just now hearing about annuities, they’ve been around as far back as the Roman Empire. Citizens of Rome would make a lump sum payment into what they called an “annua” fund. They would then receive a payment each year until death.

Posted February 12, 2024
Financial Tips

By now, you may have already given up on some of your New Year’s resolutions. Making huge changes all at once is often too much to sustain. Experts have said that small changes, made consistently over longer periods of time, can be just as transformative—and easier to maintain—than trying to force yourself to change overnight.

Posted February 4, 2024
Financial Tips

Inflation is a mystery for many. Unless you’re an economist, this economic phenomenon is elusive and mysterious. It’s also something that we have no control over. Yet, it wields an undeniable, powerful force over your finances. Because of this, it pays to try to understand what inflation is and its impact on your money.

Posted December 11, 2023
Financial Tips

The key to building a secure financial future is as much about knowledge as it is about having a lot of money. Lots of people with tons of money have squandered it away because they were financially illiterate. Many with very little have lifted themselves out of poverty by learning as much as they could about money and business matters.

Posted December 3, 2023